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Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 23, 2019

Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 23 2019 Compiled 23 March 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret. CEO, Child Abuse Recovery...

Thursday, March 21, 2019

First Chamber Elections

First Chamber Elections

Operation Disclosure | By Rinus Verhagen

The unthinkable has happened, the population is waking up, the crime cartel has sacked its first great defeat.

More clearly, a breach of trust between the population and politics could not be depicted, during these elections, away with the cadaver politics of Rutte.

We have been held hostage for decades by a Crime Syndicate Rutte and his predecessors in order to force the Globalist Agenda towards a communist Europe.

To leave the EU you only need a note with the text, thanks for the honour we are not obliged to you and stop our annual contributions and take the € 1400 stolen Pension Billions back under our own management.

The UN is told that since 13 May 1940 we no longer have any legal laws or national government, which means that all treaties of 13 May 1940 are not legally valid or binding.

The climate lie and indoctrination of people by the Global Salafism of the Green Left is only meant to force and control the population in poverty.

The current political criminals will not succeed as GESARA will take the world population out of debt slavery.

Current politics will no longer have a right to exist if we do not follow or accept them.

From the new global money system, politics will also no longer have any power if they want to act against the interests of their own population.

The victory of the first-chamber elections 2019 shows the beginning of the turnaround and shift in power that will result from this.

A lot of corruption will stop, as the new money system, which is gold backed, can transparently track all transactions, so Drug Criminals in all layers of the population and politics will be banned.

The indignant play of the second chamber will soon be a thing of the past, because we will have to build a completely different form of government from the population through the municipality, the future policy will be determined.

The interests of the population will again come first, and not of oligarchs and multinationals.

The current political actors responsible for crimes against their own and world population will have to answer for themselves.

Death and destruction by abuse of power, and migration we can simply call Genocide of own people, who are replaced by Islam indoctrinated Muslims, where the contrast against our own culture is so great that it is unacceptable that we have to let our lives be spoiled by this with the help of the corrupt political Bilderberg mafia.

Thanks GESARA we can freeze the bank accounts of politicians and their institutions in case of disputes, until a decision is made through a new and fair legal system, which GESARA stands for.

GESARA will allow everyone to receive a basic income in their country of origin, which means that many fake refugees will return to their own country with their own culture, because all wars will be over.

Countries that do not cooperate cannot participate in the world economy and trade, they exclude themselves from prosperity for their own population.

To be honest, I am very curious what revelations will come out of it about the many crimes where also Rutte and other European corrupt administrators will be unmasked, MH370/17 at Rutte and Willy the superfluous will be for their account.

Systematic spraying with Chemtrails, to manipulate the weather and health of the population, to defend the climate lie as an argument will burst like a bubble.

See current politics for what it really is, a MISDAAD Syndicate headed by Willy Escobar.

We will have to wait and see whether the FVD will help shape the liberation of the Netherlands, if the fake king has fled or been tried for his part of the crime against the Dutch population.

We the People, demand direct referendum driven politics from the population, the old Cabal political system no longer fits in with that, they belong to the dunghill to rot further away, to total dissolution of the Bilderberg Criminals.

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